Furniture for Minecraft
The universe of the modding in Minecraft world
This page covers Minecraft mods used for decorating and improving housing in Minecraft. Some mods from this category enable various items for interior design. Take for example Furnicraft mod that enables crafting and growing a family of NFC mobs!
Other notable mods for Minecraft that fell under this category provide various decorations for homes built in Minecraft. As a general example, furniture mods typically contain a set of items for home furnishing: plumbing, kitchens, shower cabins, TVs and even computers!
Special Modern House World
This is a Minecraft world containing a fully-fledged modern house. Be warned, though, that the house is inhabited by creeper and other mobs. Luckily there are only few of them. World is ideal for starting in decorating or applying other mods from the serie.
Aesthetic Mountain House (Map)
Another world containing a house built to survive.
Many Structures - Function Pack
This Minecraft pack adds over 150 structures to your world. Craft faster and easier.
Umak Furniture: Living Room+ Add-on
More decorations, more villagers! From kitchen utensils and bathroom equipment to PCs and TVs.
This is a legendary add-on for Minecraft. Along with a package of furniture it opens up an opportunity to craft family, children, boyfriends and girlfriends. That's why it became dearly loved by crafting fans.
What is a Mod or an Add-on?
An add-on for Minecraft is a special set of files. Typically this set contains two files: a behaviour pack and a resource pack.
Once loaded in Minecraft and applied according to guides and instructions, those files provide various new game features. It is common that such add-ons provide new items, new skins and textures, new mini-games available inside the Minecraft world.
Some add-ons comes bundled into a single file called .mcaddon. Add-ons of these type provide the same features as ones coming in resource pack and behaviour packs separated. It is up to add-on's author how to bundle and distribute his creations.
Exact content of the Minecraft add-ons is controlled by the author of the add-on.
Files has been packaged into an add-on are interpreted by the Minecraft engine. They work the same way as any other features in the Minecraft game itself. They can't make any harm to the user's device or damage user's files, because most of them are not executable on any OS except the Minecraft itself.
A process of creating such add-ons called modding. Likewise modding a car or modding a smartphone, modding makes the game more personalized. For example, there are some add-ons enhancing an in-game graphics or changing how mobs behave in game.
This page is dedicated to add-ons those enable various guns in Minecraft. Minecraft players can enjoy shooting and war games in Minecraft worlds by applying this add-ons in Minecraft and enable them for their worlds.
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