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Furnicraft preview.


Add-on for the official Minecraft Pocket Edition

Minecraft PE 1.18 Minecraft PE 1.19 Latest

You can have children in Minecraft now! Also, this add-on enables various furniture (500+ items). Please read the guide carefully before installing.


  • RobertGamer69

Current version


What is a Mod or an Add-on?

An add-on for Minecraft is a special set of files. Typically this set contains two files: a behaviour pack and a resource pack.

Once loaded in Minecraft and applied according to guides and instructions, those files provide various new game features. It is common that such add-ons provide new items, new skins and textures, new mini-games available inside the Minecraft world.

Some add-ons comes bundled into a single file called .mcaddon. Add-ons of these type provide the same features as ones coming in resource pack and behaviour packs separated. It is up to add-on's author how to bundle and distribute his creations.

Exact content of the Minecraft add-ons is controlled by the author of the add-on.

Files has been packaged into an add-on are interpreted by the Minecraft engine. They work the same way as any other features in the Minecraft game itself. They can't make any harm to the user's device or damage user's files, because most of them are not executable on any OS except the Minecraft itself.

A process of creating such add-ons called modding. Likewise modding a car or modding a smartphone, modding makes the game more personalized. For example, there are some add-ons enhancing an in-game graphics or changing how mobs behave in game.

This page is dedicated to add-ons those enable various guns in Minecraft. Minecraft players can enjoy shooting and war games in Minecraft worlds by applying this add-ons in Minecraft and enable them for their worlds.

Get started

Once you downloaded all corresponding files it's time to get your hands dirty (ofc for the great good!). Follow the steps below to get add-on work in the Minecraft.

  1. First, open every file using the system "Open in..." dialog in the Minecraft Pocket Edition.
  2. Next, create a new world. Please notice that all experimental gameplay features should be enabled.
  3. Choose behaviour packs and resource pack installed from the pane on the left side.
  4. Start the newly created world.
  5. You have to open a console in the game to type-in various commands to enable add-on items and get them in game.

Follow the detailed guide below to enable furniture and other items from the add-on.

How to have children?

First, find a wife and marry her. To marry a wife you will need an engagement ring. 

Crafting of the ring requires the rose gold ore. It can be found in mines or caves all over the world.
It is easier to find a rose gold ore in towns. Also, after the Caves update you can also find rose gold in the depths. It appears from layer -56 to layer 60 approximately. 

Once you have a wife, give her a cake.

The process will start and she will give you a baby in 5 minutes with your child in your inventory. On the right side of your screen a 300 second counter will appear. When the counter reaches 0 the counter will disappear and you will be able to craft your child with the same item.

Feed your child with any of the following foods to make him grow: cake, apple, sugar, golden apple.

Well done!

How to craft the furniture?

With the help of this add-on you can get a furniture even in survival mode. 

All the furniture are solid 3d blocks. It means that you can easily turn the furniture in any direction you like.

Some items (i.e. chairs and sofas) also have an iteract feature that enables you to sit on them. Currently, all furniture can be crafted in the new Furnicraft Bench. Read below how to obtain this kind of bench.

First, you need a furniture clay.

Second, you need a FURNICRAFT bench.


After building a FURNICRAFT BENCH, use it to craft furniture like that.

Actually, there are lots of stuff, from needments to gifts and even holidays.

Here is a small list of the furniture included with this add-on.
-Trampoline for the pool
-Christmas tree
-PC Gamer
-Park bench
-Water source
-Satanic ritual
-Pool table
-Soccer table
-Big bubble gum machine
-Little bubble gum machine
-Amusement machines
-Watering can
-Shelving and furniture
-Beach chairs
-Customizable Armchairs
-Gamer Chairs
-Customizable Tables
-TV furniture

Furnicraft preview.

Furnicraft preview.

Furnicraft preview.

Furnicraft preview.

Furnicraft preview.

Furnicraft preview.



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